2009 HASTAC Scholar Nomination

I have been nominated to be a 2009 HASTAC Scholar at the University of Washington:

The Simpson Center for the Humanities is a leading member of HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory).  As a member of the Steering Committee of HASTAC, I would like to nominate you as one of six HASTAC Scholars for 2009-2010 from the University of Washington.  As a HASTAC Scholar, you would represent the University of Washington to this national organization; you would also play an active role as a member of the cross-disciplinary HASTAC Scholars group at the University of Washington.  The graduate students I am nominating come from Communication, DXARTS, English, the iSchool, and, of course, Scandinavian Studies.

HASTAC (http://www.hastac.org) was created to look toward the future of higher education in a digital age with a three-pronged focus on new media, critical thinking, and participatory learning in any and all possible configurations.  Last year was the inaugural year of the HASTAC Scholars Program, whose primary goal is to bring the innovative work and events taking place in the home institutions, communities, and regions of the HASTAC Scholars to the attention of the HASTAC network.  The responsibility of HASTAC Scholars is to contribute posts and serve as the eyes, ears, and national “citizen journalists” on matters digital, including their own research (the time commitment required is minimal).  Last year virtual HASTAC forums focused on such vital and timely topics as “Academic Publishing in the Digital Age,” “Fair Use and the Future of the Commons,” “Blogging and Tweeting Academia,” and “The Future of the Digital Humanities.”  For more information see http://www/hastac.org/node/2174.