2010 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium

Tim Welsh and I will be presenting a poster at the Teaching and Learning Symposium:

“Save Points: Teaching (with) Video Games”

As part of the Critical Gaming Project (CGP) at UW, we have offered several undergraduate CHID and ENGL courses on video games. Like reading, watching films, and argumentative writing, playing and critiquing video games is an acquired skill, a “digital” literacy. Ironically, students, who are assumed to be enthusiastic and embracing of games, are often resistant to analyzing video games — to do so would take the “fun” out of games. Therefore, drawing on our experiences developing, teaching, and assessing these courses, this session hopes to explore and illuminate the ways video games can be brought into the classroom, the challenges and logistics of using video games, and most importantly, different critical approaches to playing and teaching video games. Our session will include interactive examples of game play and video game pedagogy.

2010 UW Teaching and Learning Symposium

Symposium 2010 Flyer

The 2010 University of Washington Teaching and Learning Symposium is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, 2:00 – 4:30 p.m. The Symposium will take place in the HUB Ballroom, and will provide you with opportunities to interact with UW instructors who are actively engaged in examining teaching and learning in their disciplines.

The Symposium will open with a keynote address. The keynote address will be followed by concurrent poster sessions and presentations, featuring the innovative work of faculty, staff, and teaching assistants.

Come and see what your colleagues have been discovering about teaching and learning!

Schedule at a Glance

2:00 – 2:45   Welcome
Jerry Baldasty
Vice Provost and Dean, The Graduate School

Keynote Presentation
“Through the Stories We Hear Who We Are*”: Examining Teaching Through Instructor Narratives
Diane Gillespie
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, UW Bothell
2010 Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

2:45 – 3:30   Poster Session 1

3:30 – 4:15   Poster Session 2