Presenting at MLA 2012 on Video Games

Accepted to two panels at the Modern Language Association (MLA) annual conference this coming winter in January 2012, which will be held in Seattle.  Both are on video game studies, which will be awesome.

Friday, 06 January
332. Digital Narratives and Gaming for Teaching Language and Literature

3:30–4:45 p.m., Redwood A and B, Sheraton

Program arranged by the MLA Committee on Information Technology and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Presiding: Barbara Lafford, Arizona State Univ.

1. “Narrative Expression and Scientific Method in Online Gaming Worlds,” Steven Thorne, Portland State Univ.
2. “Designing Narratives: A Framework for Digital Game-Mediated L2 Literacies Development,” Jonathon Reinhardt, Univ. of Arizona; Julie Sykes, Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque
3. “Close Playing, Paired Playing: A Practicum,” Edmond Chang, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Timothy Welsh, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
Dave McAlpine, Univ. of Arkansas, Little Rock


Sunday, 08 January
736. Close Playing: Literary Methods and Video Game Studies

1:45–3:00 p.m., University, Sheraton

A special session
Mark L. Sample, George Mason Univ.

Speakers: Edmond Chang, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Steven E. Jones, Loyola Univ., Chicago; Jason C. Rhody, National Eudowment for the Humanities; Anastasia Salter, Univ. of Baltimore; Timothy Welsh, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Zach Whalen, Univ. of Mary Washington

This roundtable moves beyond the games-versus-stories dichotomy to explore the full range of possible literary approaches to video games. These approaches include the theoretical and methodological contributions of reception studies, reader-response theory, narrative theory, critical race and gender theory, disability studies, and textual scholarship.

For copies of abstracts, visit


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