Presenting on “YA Literature and Feminism” Today at Geek Girl Con 2012

Friends and fellow grad students Stevi Costa, Taylor Boulware, Leanne Day, and I will be presenting today in a roundtable on Young Adult fiction and feminism at Geek Girl Con 2012.  Geek Girl Con, now in its second year, is “dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the contribution of women in all aspects of geek culture,” which might mean various fandoms, science fiction and fantasy, popular culture, and technology.  This year’s con has grown and is in its new digs at the Seattle Convention Center.

Stevi, Taylor, Leanne, and my panel looks at gender and sexuality in Young adult fiction covering topics ranging from embodiment to love triangles to hero(ine)ism to queer interventions:

Sunday, August 12
12:30 PM – 1:20 PM
YA Literature and Feminism – RM205

Young Adult literature is a largely female-driven domain. It is written by women and marketed primarily toward young woman. But how feminist can we consider YA literature to be? Do popular works within this genre promote contemporary feminist ideals or work against them? This panel presents academic work dealing with popular YA literature series such as The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight, Modelland, and others through a critical feminist lens.

Presented by Ed Chang, Taylor Boulware, Leanne Day, Stevi Costa

Below is our Prezi presentation: