A very successful and standing room only-packed audience at the “YA Literature and Feminism” panel this past weekend at Geek Girl Con 2012. Maybe next year, we should ask for a bigger room! Thanks to organizer Stevi Costa and fellow panelers Taylor Boulware and Leanne Day. You can head over to Prezi to look at our presentation slides. And here are a few images from the day:

“YA Literature and Feminism” panel featuring (from left to right) Edmond Chang, Taylor Boulware, Leanne Day, and Stevi Costa (organizer) at Geek Girl Con 2012. August 12, 2012. Seattle, WA.

The view from the audience. “YA Literature and Feminism” panel at Geek Girl Con 2012. August 12, 2012. Seattle, WA.