Thank You, THATCamp Boise State!

I have returned from giving my first ever keynote address at THATCamp Boise State 2012, entitled “The Seductions of Gamification,” a talk cut from the cloth of one of my dissertation chapters.  The talk (and whole THATCamp) was a great experience, and I think it was well-received.  It was interesting to be on the “other side” of the Tweetstream (normally, it’s me tweeting about someone’s talk); here’s a select few from the backchannel:

  • #ThatCampBSU kicking off with a talk on gamification by @edmondchang. Looks to be a good day ahead!
  • @edmondchang Important to remember that games are embedded in larger culture and perpetuates & those cultural norms. #thatcampbsu
  • @edmondchang offers “gameful imagination” as a different perspective on “gamification” (via Jane McGonigal’s work) #thatcampbsu
  • Gamification does not want the player to lose. What does that mean for our teaching? #ThatCampBSU
  • At #thatcampbsu. Ed Chang presents on Gamification. We r mapping games onto everyday life. But what gets obscured in that move?

Here is my Prezi presentation as well:

Thank you to all of the THATCamp Boise State organizers, participants, and friends for a wonderful program.  In particular, a special thank you and shout out to:

  • Alicia Garza, Modern Languages & Literatures
  • Dawn Shepherd, English
  • Memo Cordova, Albertsons Library

Thank you for the hospitality and the opportunity to share my ideas.  I had many rich conversations.  Thank you Boise State and Boise!  Hopefully, THATCamp Boise State will become a regular event!