THATCamp Epic Play 2013

I am organizing with the Keywords for Video Game Studies graduate interest group a THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp), which will serve as the capstone event to this year’s Keywords sessions.  Rather than a more traditional colloquium–as we did in the past two years–we decided to grow the final event to a two-day THATCamp:

THATCamp Epic Play is an unconference and year-end colloquium hosted by the Keywords for Video Game Studies graduate interest group.  THATCamp Epic Play invites digital humanists, game scholars, teachers, artists, librarians, students, designers, developers, and enthusiasts to participate in roundtable discussions; lightning presentations of individual and collaborative work; research, scholarship, and pedagogy on games of all sorts; and of course, play.  Building on previous years’ colloquia, this year’s THATCamp, broadly themed by the keyword “EPIC,” is the capstone event to a year-long series of workshop sessions on violence, history, fantasy, bodies/sex, and close/distant.  THATCamp Epic Play hopes to foster the growing engagement with what it means to study or make or play games.

THATCamp Epic Play will be hosted by the Simpson Center for the Humanities at University of Washington in Seattle on May 24 & 25, 2013.

For more information, if you’d like to help plan THATCamp Epic Play, or if you would like to lead a workshop, contact thatcampepicplay(at)gmail(doc)com.

For announcements, follow us on Twitter: @critgame

There is no registration fee for THATCamp Epic Play but you must be registered to attend.  We will begin accepting registration applications on January 1, 2013.  Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2013 or until all spots are full.

The Keywords for Video Game Studies working group, in collaboration with the Critical Gaming Project at the University of Washington, is supported by the Simpson Center for the Humanities.  For more information about the Keywords group, go to: