“Queering the Digital Humanities,” Philly Queer Media Activism Series

Late last week, my friend and scholar-sister Adeline Koh suggested that I take her place for a roundtable discussion of “Queering the Digital Humanities,” organized by Philly Queer Media, part of their Activism Series.  The table included myself, Michelle Moravec, and Cathy Hannabach.  It was held yesterday April 22, 2014 at the University of Pennsylvania’s Kislak Center for Special Collections, Theater Arts, and Visual Studies:


I agreed and informally talked through an abridged version of my presentation that I did last month at the University of Victoria, which I reframed as about “queergaming:”

Thanks to Cathy Hannabach, Philly Queer Media, Michelle Moravec, Adeline Koh, the University of Pennsylvania, and everyone who tweeted during our conversation: https://storify.com/edmondchang/queerdh

A special treat: I got to meet and chat about all sorts of stuff with the (in)famous Suey Park:
