Return from THATCamp Digital Pedagogy 2014

My quick adventure in Atlantic City, NJ is over!  The weather was hot, the beach was sunny, the waves were cool, and the boardwalk was bustling with people.  Meanwhile, in the comforts of the Carnegie Center of Richard Stockton College, THATCamp Digital Pedagogy was mixing things up with a range of workshops and session covering topics from digital mapping tools to Twitter Versus Zombies to DH syllabi to feminism and DH to video game pedagogy.  Many thanks to the camp organizers and staff, especially to Adeline Koh for inviting me to do a workshop, and to the participants.

I created an archive of the tweets THATCamp Digital Pedagogy:

Day One:

Day Two:

The trial run of TvsZ:

Below are a few select photos of the event:

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