I have been fortunate to be invited once again by the University of Oregon’s Think.Play group to talk with students about game studies. Like last year’s talk, I wanted to have a conversation about game studies. Given the start of the academic year, I decided that this talk would be about “What’s New in Video Game Studies?” I wanted to present some current happenings, work, events, and resources — not in any exhaustive way, of course — but really to demonstrate that there is a lot of momentum growing in game studies, game scholarship, and game making from an academic or activist perspective. Here is a gloss of what I am going to introduce, and then hopefully have a great Q&A to point to more specific projects, interventions, and texts.
A. GaymerX4: http://www.gaymerx.com
C. Extending Play: http://extendingplay.rutgers.e
II. New Scholarship
A. Books
8. Gaming at the Edge: https://www.upress.umn.edu/boo
9. Queer Game Studies: http://www.edmondchang.com/201
10. Rated M for Mature: http://www.bloomsbury.com/us/r
B. Journals
1. Game Studies: http://gamestudies.org/1502
2. Games and Culture: http://gac.sagepub.com/
3. Simulation and Gaming: http://sag.sagepub.com/
4. International Journal of Game-Based Learning: http://www.igi-global.com/jour
5. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research: http://www.jvwresearch.org/
7. First Person Scholar: http://www.firstpersonscholar.
8. Feminist Game Studies (Ada): http://adanewmedia.org/2013/06
9. Queer Gaming (QED): https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/321