In Media Res Pokemon Go Week

This past week’s In Media Res featured five short essays and provocations about the mobile game Pokemon Go: Media Res is “dedicated to experimenting with collaborative, multi-modal forms of online scholarship…In Media Res provides a forum for more immediate critical engagement with media at a pace closer to how we experience mediated texts.”  I have done other IMR weeks in the past (including Posthumanism and Media week, Doctor Who week, and Post-human, Super-Intelligent, Dream Girls week).  Here is the whole week (which also includes a post from my sister Alenda Chang):

Pokemon Go, Queer Spaces, and Queer Contact
by Edmond Y. Chang — University of Oregon
 (Links to an external site.)

Gotta Catch On: Intertextuality and the Popularity of Pokémon Go
by Katharine McCain — The Ohio State University

Where the Wi-Fi Ends
by Alenda Chang — University of California, Santa Barbara

Pokemon Go as Routine
by ethan tussey — Georgia State University

Pokémon Go and Augmented Reality
by Colin Wheeler — Georgia State University