Review of Playing Harry Potter: Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance

I just discovered a book review of Playing Harry Potter: Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance (edited by Lisa S. Brenner, 2015) at Transformative Works and Culture.  The review mentions and quotes from my essay in the edited collection, “Teaching Harry Potter: Pedagogy as Play, Performance and Textual Poaching.”

Book Review
Playing Harry Potter: Essays and interviews on fandom and performance, edited by Lisa S. Brenner
Abigail De Kosnik
University of California, Berkeley

[0.1] Keywords—Cosplay; Digital performance; Fan performance; Fan studies; Performance studies; Performance theory; Quidditch; Role-playing games

De Kosnik, Abigail. 2016. Playing Harry Potter: Essays and Interviews on Fandom and Performance, edited by Lisa S. Brenner [book review]. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 22.

Lisa S. Brenner, editor. Playing Harry Potter: Essays and interviews on fandom and performance. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015, paperback, $29.95 (238p) ISBN 978-0-7864-9657-0, e-book $14.43 (5374 KB) ISBN 978-1-4766-2136-4, ASIN B012E9G0R6.

[1] The contributors to Playing Harry Potter do fan scholars a valuable service by documenting a wide range of fan performance styles and genres that have emerged from the highly productive Harry Potter fandom. Some chapters offer detailed descriptions and theoretical analyses, some present authors’ first-person accounts, and some offer authors’ interviews with performers. The detailed renderings of a diversity of off-line and online fannish creativity makes this volume a rich resource for fan studies scholars, especially those who situate their work within the field of performance studies and/or engage deeply with performance theory.

Read the full review here: