Featured on Elevating the Genre Podcast, “Buffy is 20!”

One of my friends Christopher Morrison and his friend Dominic Mah have a podcast/vidcast called Elevating the Genre.  According to EtG’s site, the show is about:

Any element in any “genre” (re: geek) piece of IP/story that raises that piece (or a moment or element in the piece) above the normal expectations of that genre.

Morrison and Mah have tackled quite a number of topics and issues ranging from comic books to horror movies to actors to common science fiction/fantasy tropes.  Of course, the show also includes talk on television shows.  Episode 20 is on Buffy the Vampire Slayer turning twenty: https://elevatingthegenre.wordpress.com/2017/03/31/episode-24-buffy-is-20-etg-is-6-months-and-your-hosts-are-o-l-d-plus-dr-edmond-chang/.  You can go to the site and listen, or click here:

I want to thank Christopher and Dom for welcoming me to their virtual studio and for giving me the opportunity to chat about something near and dear to my heart and my pedagogy.  (In fact, I will be teaching my Buffy summer course and will gladly feature the podcast as part of the class.)  It was fun and illuminating to get to talk with two fans, critics, and industry professionals.   (Even though we ended up being a manel.  I think I mention it somewhere in there).