Lilith’s Pen: A Literary Magazine for ENG 3060J (2018)

The tradition of creating a writing class literary magazine continues with Lilith’s Pen 2018 created for my ENG 3060J: Women and Writing course on “Feminist Science Fiction.”  Named for Lilith Iyapo, the main character in Octavia Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy (our class read the first novel Dawn), the little literary magazine features some writing and artwork from students ranging from academic pieces to short short stories. All of the writing was initially completed as assignments for the class.

I did the book design, layout, and production.  I gave each student two copies for themselves (and to share with their loved ones).  I like the making of these material reminders, tokens of all of the work that they have done and shared with one another.  It as a collective goal and prize.  Moreover, for students who are working on their confidence in their writing skills, seeing themselves in print is an encouraging (and new) experience.

Finally, I put a copy of the zine in my tenure and promotion file for the course.  It demonstrates creativity, collaboration, transformation, and making in my pedagogy.