CFP for SLSA 2019 Game Studies Stream!

It is that time of year again! Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA) is at UC Irvine this year: — the theme is “experimental engagements.”

For the last two years, a small group of cheery folks have revived and organized a game studies stream to be featured in the conference program. If you have a game studies proposal (or a game to demo), email me at and we will start collecting and grouping panels. Please get me your submissions by April 15, two weeks before the SLSA submission deadline of May 1. Please include your name, affiliation, email, title of presentation, and short abstract (300 words or less). You can see SLSA’s submission guildelines here:

Please extend the invitation to submit to others you know that would be a good fit! Join the FB group, too:

Hope to see you in California,
Edmond Y. Chang, Ph.D.
Department of English
Ohio University