Presenting (Virtually) at CCCC 2019, Pittsburgh, PA!

I was slated to attend the Convention on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) this week, but an emergency pulled me away. However, I have sent a pre-recorded presentation that my panel will show on my behalf. Here is our panel description (albeit very abbreviated) from the convention program:

B21 | Thursday, March 14, 2019 | 12:15-1:30 PM
Body Texts: Movement, Play, and Dress in Writing (and Other) Classrooms 
Through movement, play, and dress, this panel shows how using embodied knowledge in writing and other classrooms creates learning and change. 
Chair and Speaker: Stevi Costa, Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA 
Speakers: Alissa Bourbonnais, Spokane Falls Community College, WA Edmond Chang, Ohio University, Athens

It is ironic that our panel is about embodied pedagogy, and I am presenting virtually. Hopefully, my disembodied telepresence will win the day!

I am presenting a version of my “LARP as Queer Space, Queer Contact, and Queer Pedagogy” talk: