“Playing Games, Practicing Utopia,” Gamers With Glasses, 9/26

I have the good fortune to have been invited to be a contributing editor to a new gaming website called Gamers With Glasses, the brainchild of Christian Haines and Roger Whitson. For the launch of the site, Gamers With Glasses is running a featured series on “Gaming During the Pandemic,” a month of short essays, reflections, and provocations on the theme.

I decided to contribute a piece on playing tabletop role-playing games online during the pandemic. You can read my essay “Playing Games, Practicing Utopia” here: https://www.gamerswithglasses.com/features/playing-games-practicing-utopia-a-life-in-tabletop-games. I write about why gaming, particularly pen-and-paper games, have been important to me, particularly during an unprecedented time of social distancing and isolation. I write about the games I have played and the game I am currently playing: Tellings, a game I developed.