“Imagining Extinction in Video Games,” CETAPS, April 26, 2024, Online

I will be getting up early on Friday, April 26, 2024 in order to get online for part of “Imagining Extinction in Video Games: An International Symposium” organized by the Centre for English, Translation, and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS).

I was invited by the conference organizers to be a respondent to the keynote “Horizon Net Zero: How the Global Game Industry Participates in Extinction” by Benjamin Abraham (AfterClimate). I will be joined in the response by Patrick Whitmarsh.

The symposium looks really great, but I will not be able to make the rest of it because of the time difference and because I will be at my own conference–Association for Asian American Studies is happening at the same time. Thanks to the organizers for inviting me and for giving me an opportunity to think about these ideas, issues, questions, and possibilities.