I have been invited to give a short talk and workshop at the University of Washington for Open Access Week at the Open Scholarship Commons, part of the UW Libraries:
This year’s Open Access Week theme is Community over Commercialization and is an opportunity to discuss approaches to open scholarship best serve the interests of the public and the academic community.

My presentation is entitled “Queering Gaming, Gaming Imaginaries” and is based in part on my keynote for the Electronic Literature Organization’s annual conference this past July. I was invited to talk about my work in queer games and queer digital humanities; my presentation’s abstract reads:
This workshop offers a set of questions, provocations, and critical examples to think about the ways that video games, digital texts, even generative AI are technonormative embedded with hegemonic ideals, tropes, and biases about race, gender, sexuality, ability, even technologies themselves. How then might we address and reconfigure these material, cultural, political, and technological norms? How might queering games allow for new, alternative, even radical possibilities, practices, and communities? Drawing on “open access” games, queer and feminist game studies, and popular culture, this presentation offers potential ways to disrupt, play with, and teach in our increasingly algorithmic and ludonarrative world.
Thank you to the University of Washington, the UW Libraries, the Open Scholarship Commons, the Departments of Cinema and Media Studies and English, the Simpson Center for the Humanities, and Aubrey Williams for the invitation to share some of my work.