I am headed to the University of Southern California to present...
I had the great fortune of being interviewed by Dr. Khalilah...
GENeration Analog 2023“Biased Play”July 26-27, 2023Onlinehttps://analoggamestudies.org/generation-analog-2023/ Educators, scholars, and designers of...
Since I joined Analog Game Studies as an Assistant Editor (way...
Many thanks to my friend and colleague Tony Manganaro (University of...
This spring semester, I am again teaching ENG 1100: Crossing Culture...
Here is the official announcement that Alternative Historiographies of the Digital...
Serendipity and a friend’s recommendation lands my words in the news...
My first international talk (alas online) will be for Centro Interuniversitario...
Many thanks to Dr. Dorothy Kim for inviting me to give...