Timothy Welsh and I went to the UW Teaching & Learning...
Tim Welsh and I will be presenting a poster at the...
Here are some recent statistics (albeit gathered by the Entertainment Software...
Interesting… New York Launches Public School Curriculum Based on Playing Games...
LARP class rides again! CHID 496 A: “Heroes & Monsters: Understanding...
Running my video games class again… ENGL 207 B: Introduction to...
CHID 496 F: “Video Games as Persuasion, Politics, and Propaganda” Winter...
I just watched Juan Carlos Pineiro-Escoriaza’s 2008 documentary Second Skin (touted...
CHID 496 F: “Bioshock: Cyborg Morality & Posthuman Choice” Autumn Quarter...
Neat: Everything I Know I Learned From Dungeons & Dragons by...