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Contact & About the Instructor

     Instructor: Dr. Edmond Y. Chang
     Office: 331 Ellis Hall
     E-mail: change @

     MW 12:30-2:00 PM or by appointment

     ENG 2310: Speculative Fiction: "Contemporary Fantasy of Color" | Spring 2024
     ENG 2320: Literature and Social Justice: "Camp as Everyday Theory" | Spring 2024

Edmond Y. Chang is an Associate Professor of English at Ohio University in Athens, OH. He is affiliate faculty to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and the Rhetoric and Composition program. His areas of research include technoculture; race, gender, and sexuality; video games, analog games, LARP, queer game studies; feminist media studies; cultural studies; popular culture; and 20/21C American literature. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Washington and his dissertation is entitled Technoqueer: Re/con/figuring Posthuman Narratives. He has extensive teaching experience at the university level. His previous institutions include the University of Oregon, Drew University, and the University of Washington. He has taught classes on contemporary and ethnic American literature, speculative fiction of color, queer theory, young adult literature, popular culture, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, technology and identity, video game studies, and even live-action role-playing games.

Recent publications include "'Do They See Me as a Virus?': Imagining Asian American (Environmental) Games” in American Studies, "Why are the Digital Humanities So Straight?" in Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities, "Drawing the Oankali: Imagining Race, Gender, and the Posthuman in Octavia Butler’s Dawn" in Approaches to Teaching the Works of Octavia E. Butler, and "Queergaming" in Queer Game Studies. He is also part of Modern Language Association's Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities authoring the keyword entry "queer."

He is the creator of Tellings, a high fantasy tabletop RPG, and Archaea, a live-action role-playing game. He is also an Assistant Editor for Analog Game Studies and a Contributing Editor for Gamers with Glasses.

Other Courses Taught

For a list of other classes, see Dr. Chang's professional website or media and press about his teaching and pedagogy.
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