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Personal Logs -- Each week you will engage various texts, activities, presentations, and events in class and on campus. You will be required to keep a weekly "personal log." Log entries will be short reactions, responses, meditations, and provocations that address the week’s ideas, discussions, and experiences. Logs will be posted each week to the class blog.

Personal Log #1: The First Week of College (Ever): For your first Personal Log, in a paragraph or two, tell us something about your First Week of College -- you will never have this experience again -- that you would like to share with the class and colloquium. You could write about your expectations and how they were (or were not) met. You could write about something that you saw, heard, felt, experienced that resonated with you as "Hey, this is college." You could write about one of your courses, what it is like to live in the dorms, campus food, campus life, or a foray into Eugene. Share something that excites you, that interests you, or that perhaps concerns you (as a way to find some answers or wisdom). Remember that these logs are informal but your target audience is still your class, your professor, and in an imagined way, the campus community. Maybe post a picture or relevant link.

Personal Log #2: What's Your Major?": Though it is only the second week of the autumn quarter and the second week of (most of) your college careers, this Personal Log asks that dreaded question, "So, what's your major? What are you studying?" What about, "How do you know what you want to study?" Or perhaps more dreaded, "What are you going to do with that?" Rather than worry too far into the future, let's start with your initial thoughts about your area or areas of study. What are you interested in? What do you think you are going to major in? Minor in? If you are undecided, that's totally fine (and usual), but maybe talk about why you are undecided. Think of this log as a little letter to yourself in which you tell your future self what you imagine yourself doing at college, what your future discipline might be, and why you want to do these things. Then, in a year's time, we will look back at these initial posts and see what has changed or what has deepened into an academic or vocational passion. Explore the degree programs at UO a little. Look at required classes, potential specializations, and the philosophies of the programs. Please post links to the departments or majors or minors or even stories or resources that inspired your choices.

Personal Log #3: National Coming Out Week: Class this week is cancelled in celebration of National Coming Out Week. Here's the schedule for Coming Out Week at the university: Attend at least one of the above events to reflect on and write about in this week's Personal Log. For this Personal Log, please comment on two things: What coming out means to you? And how did the event(s) connect to, address, or think about "coming out" and the LGBTQ+ community? Consider also the norm and narrative of "coming out," particularly given that other parts of the world and other non-US or Western European communities have very different takes on what it means to be LGBTQ+ and "out."

Personal Log #4: Time Management?: For this Personal Log, go back to your Time Management exercise charts and post the following (you can post small scans or images of your sheets if you want) for both your estimated and your actual weeks. For this Personal Log, reflect on the exercise as well as your time management skills generally. Offer any advice or suggestions that work for you that might help others.

Personal Log #5: GSA Day @ UO (or Other Events): For this week's Personal Log, it's time to get involved on campus (if you have not done so already). Ideally, everyone should volunteer for GSA Day at UO, which gives you an opportunity to "connect with young LGBTQIA+ leaders from the community's middle schools and high schools." For this Personal Log, please comment on what you saw, did, heard, experienced during GSA Day. Share one or two paragraphs about the day, about service to the community, and about how you think service fits into your time at the University.

Personal Log #6: Trans Week: Welcome to Trans Week at UO! Class this week is cancelled so that you can attend one or more of the events this week, particularly the events on Wednesday evening. Like Coming Out Week, pick one or more of the following and identify what event(s) you attended, what you found interesting, provocative, or even challenging, and what you learned or got out of the experience(s).

Personal Log #7: First Quarter of College. Check.: For your the last Personal Log of the quarter, in a paragraph or two, tell us something about your First Quarter of College. (If this is not your first quarter, you can still write about your first quarter in the ARC.) Reflect on what you have done, learned, explored, experienced in classes, in the dorms, in the community. Share a bit of advice you wish you had when you started way back in September. Share something that excites you, that interests you, or that perhaps concerns you (as a way to find some answers or wisdom). Share your expectations for the next quarter, next year. Remember that these logs are informal but your target audience is still your class, your professor, and in an imagined way, the campus community. Maybe post a picture or relevant link.

Academic Plan & Advising Conference Memo -- You will be required to generate an academic plan, a tentative sketch of your course of study for the academic year and your plans for exploring and declaring a major. You will be required to schedule a one-on-one conference with me or an academic advisor in your desired degree program. And you will share what you developed and discovered with the class.
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Information Sheets

The following are handouts, informational sheets, and readings that will be assigned or used over the course of the quarter. Each student will recieve a copy of each as a handout in class during the appropriate week. If you miss a sheet, feel free to print out a new copy.

Ed's Top Ten List of "Ways to Survive University"

Ed's Top Ten Rules of Writing

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

MLA Citation and Bibliographic Format

What is Close Reading?


Course texts will be available via the course Canvas.
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